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MixCopy Content Marketing Platform is now live

We are proud to announce that MixCopy v1.0 is fully available. After 6 months of work, our little baby is ready to see the light of day and get some constructive feedback in a real work environment. We have added a number of requested features and improvements to the platform. 

A smart bot to help with your Content Marketing

Who doesn’t miss the old office clip assistant right? right?? Ok maybe we have jumped the gun here a bit but we were seeing that some clients were struggling with where to go and where to start. So we have added a smart bot that will give you ideas where you are stuck. It is shiny, it is sleek and it is informative. Like us, our new bot is very data focused. Lets look at it more as a light bulb than the clip assistant. 

A whole new look for the backend

Yes we are sorry that we keep updating the look and feel of the interface to make it more user friendly. This is hopefully the last iteration. We are very happy with the new look. It’s more modern and everything is better organised. Look at those beautiful tabs 🙂  There are still some thing we are doing in the interface to make it more user friendly but most of the things are now done. 

Multi Content Planner

Have you got a new microsite coming up or a product launch? Why not plan multiple pages at once and assign them directly to your content writer. You will find this feature in teh Multi Content Planner section in the backend of MixCopy. 


The calendar has had an overhaul, now you can click on the right and left arrow to go to any month and year in the future and in the past to see when your content is scheduled.  You can also view the calendar in a month view or a week view. 

Keyword Rankings

Keyword Rankings have also had an update and now shows how your keywords has changed in the last 28 days. You can also see who are the current top 10 pages for your selected keywords. 

Content Journey and Stages

Content Journey and Stages have been updated and now make a bit more sense. There is content assignemtn to your content writers and also approval processes in place to make sure this fits in line with how your organisation works. 

Add Content button

We have added a prominent add content button after the dashboard as this was getting a bit confusing specially in mobiles and tablets. 

MixCopy – Content Marketing Platform

MixCopy â€“ Content Marketing Platform is a complete solution for content ideation, content management and content publishing. The platform can be used by both content marketing agencies and end marketing clients to manage their whole content lifecycle. Book a Demo here.

To celebrate the launch of MixCopy we are giving 25% off setup and monthly Fees. To get this offer, please request a demo and purhcase a yearly subscription below before end of June 2020.

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MixCopy Content Platform Stats in a Glance


Content Created


Social Posts


Words Generated



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